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This image is the title page of chapters Eight and Nine of the Moonstone in All the Year Round. All the Year Round formats the title page in a way that reinforces the idea of proper Englishness. Clear, clean text formatted symmetrically on the page…

This image is the title page of Chapter’s Eight and Nine of the Moonstone in the Publication Harper’s Weekly. Harper’s is able to compare and contrast different cultures using dark and light images. The foreign culture is represented as three Indian…

In the American newspaper Harper's Weekly, chapter X is opened with this illustration of Franklin Blake reading. This visualization of Mr. Blake opens up certain visual tropes that Victorian readers will associate with sensation fiction (Leighton…

In contrast to the illustrated opening on Harper's Weekly, All the Year Round featured a consistently uniform opening of Collin's text mingling with the opening of the newspaper. This uniform opening demonstrates an priority upon the material nature…

This is the title page for The Moonstone in Harper’s Weekly’s, May 30, 1868 instalment. On this page we see two illustrations taking up a good portion of the page. In the title of The Moonstone, the words “RICHLY ILLUSTRATED” are presented as almost…

Title Page of Moonstone for All The Year Round, 30 May 1868[text]
Here is the title page for Wilkie Collin’s The Moonstone, in All the Year Round. Unlike Harper’s Weekly, All the Year Round does not have illustrations incorporated within its text. Although there are no illustrations, All the Year Round still has…

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This is an advertisement from Harper’s Weekly, looking for workers who know how to use sewing machines, or have a general knowledge of sewing. There were a few different clothing advertisements in this issue of Harper’s. They might have been placed…

This full-page image, “Scene in the Hospital for Incurables on Blackwell’s Island,” appears two pages after The Moonstone in Harper’s Weekly. In W. S. L. Jewry’s illustration, two American women aid a sick man as he lies in a hospital bed. His bed is…

In Harper’s Weekly’s May 30, 1868 issue, the reader sees an advertisement for tobacco pipes, pipe repairs, and pipe holders. This advertisement is an example of “sensational advertising” as we see that the advertisement can catch the reader’s eye…

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As Loesberg writes in her essay titled “The Ideology of Narrative Form in Sensation Fiction”: “Class fear was distinctive in this period” (118). In such a rapidly changing world, middle-lower class individuals encroaching on the practices and…

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Comparatively, the week the same section of “The Moonstone” appeared Harper’s Weekly, an American publication, it was featured alongside several references, either textual or imagistic, to the now commonplace epistolary lifestyle. The opening page is…

A column featuring brief biographical information on the Justices of the United States Supreme Court.

FIG. 1. Harper’s Weekly, certainly, was well aware of the diversity in individuals that purchased their newspaper. This can most readily be seen in the advertisement pages. The first page of advertisements is filled with an assortment of objects…

                While the second and final page of The Moonstone installment lacks the allure of the title page that precedes it, it still remains clear that Harper’s focus is on the work itself rather than the journal or otherwise. Again, there are…

                The first page of the Harper’s Weekly publication is modest in its attention to the journal itself. ‘Harper’s Weekly’ is seen in plain print at the top of the page, doing little more than reminding the reader in passing that they are…

On the front page of Harper’s Weekly, February 1, 1868, is a full page spread featuring the poetry of John Thompson. The poem is reminiscent of Anderson’s “The Little Match Girl” (1845) and it sits atop an illustration of the young boy in the poem.…

This is the front page of the 8 August 1868 edition of Harper’s Weekly. Collins' “popularity [was such] with American readers that his name always appeared before any other novelist in Harper’s catalogues” (Leighton and Surridge 208), and such is…

This is the front page of the 8 August 1868 edition of All the Year Round. There is a marked contrast in the way that the American and the British front pages present the story; most importantly, All the Year Round emphasizes the story itself in a…

All the Year Round—a London-based periodical edited by Charles Dickens—was marketed as a literary journal that would “assist in the discussion of the Social Questions of the Day” (“New Readerships”). While it purported to be a journal for “all…

This page is covered in fiscally influenced words. These words include: free, warranted, merchants, bankers, coppers, sells, lower classes, poor, economy, wealth, gold, savings, rich, ounce, stock, and reduced prices, among others. Almost every…

The visual scene of Ezra Jennings waiting for Mr. Blake in Harper's Weekly is the key illustration for chapter X. The object details of this scene follow closely to the description of the novel, from the "book-case filled with dingy medical works,…

This excerpt from All the Year Round alludes to a number of sources, of varying genre. There is the scientific "lecture on physiology" ("All the Year Round" 100), which is referenced and cited twice, and the reference to Confessions of an English…

This diamond advertisement is shown in Harper’s Weekly’s  May 30, 1868 issue. The advertisement is seen as “sensational advertising” due to the fact that it is eye catching. The letters are different fonts and sizes. Once the advertisement catches…

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This is the article that immediately follows The Moonstone in Harper's Weekly, entitled “Children's Selfishness”. Katie Lanning, like Leverenz, recognizes that “Victorian editors were ‘sensitive’ to the connections readers made between texts in an…

This is the article that immediately follows The Moonstone in All the Year Round, entitled "Carnival Time in Britany". John Drew and Tony Williams, the editors of Dickens Journals Online, identify “Carnival Time in Britany” as a piece of…

Unmistakably, the advertisement section of All the Year Round is much different than that of Harper’s. All the Year Round’s exclusion of illustrations in the advertisement section continues to place an emphasis on text alone. Furthermore, the…

                The last page of All the Year Round’s publication of Wilkie Collins’ The Moonstone does not surprise the reader with any interesting images or foreshadowing illustrations. This is especially interesting when considering the fact that…

                Almost indistinguishable from the pages before, the sixth and seventh pages of All the Year Round’s The Moonstone do little to stimulate the imagination or attention of its readers. It is important to note that page 172 and 173 were…

While the text itself of the second and third page of All the Year Round’s publication of The Moonstone does not differ much from the second page of the same publication in Harper’s Weekly, the display of the journal on these pages do contrast with…

                The All the Year Round title page for Wilkie Collins’ The Moonstone serves as the main point of comparison and contrast to Harper’s Weekly. This journal is concerned entirely with its own reputation, harnessing not only the fame of…

The ascetic differences between the two journals can be easily spotted. While the inclusion of illustrations in Harper’s appears to further accommodate a middle-lower class readership and a taste for the sensational, All the Year Round’s exclusion of…

All the Year Round, a weekly journal published in England by Charles Dickens, featured an unillustrated version of The Moonstone. Each installment of the story was released in plain text in standard magazine or book format with double panelled pages.…


This is the end of The Moonstone instalment,in the All the Year Round. Right after The Moonstone, we see an ad for a news vendor’s shop. This advertisement differs from Harper’s Weekly, as it stays within the format of the non-illustrated All the…

This is the last paragraph of The Moonstone, as it appears in Harper's Weekly. Harper’s Weekly advertises the story as “printed from the author’s manuscript”, but that is not strictly true. There is one notable variant in the American version, as…
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