All the Year Round - News Vendor's Shop Advertisement

Advertisement for news vendor's shop from <em>All the Year Round </em>[text]

This is the end of The Moonstone instalment,in the All the Year Round. Right after The Moonstone, we see an ad for a news vendor’s shop. This advertisement differs from Harper’s Weekly, as it stays within the format of the non-illustrated All the Year Round. Even though this advertisement does not have any pictures, we still can see this as a “sensational advertisement,” due to the fact that it sparks interest in the reader and works on the reader’s emotions. This cheap news vendor’s shop is selling graphic wood cuts that illustrate situations that make people uncomfortable or grates against the norms. Some of these examples are murders, suicides, and women abuse. It is a very different way for news vendor’s to sell news, by showing graphics that are hard for the general public to look at. 


This does however, relate to The Moonstone, due to the fact that The Moonstone does raise such events to the general public, too, as we see with Rosanna’s death by suicide. As this advertisement focuses a good deal on suicide and murder, a reader might wonder if The Moonstone could present a murder later on, since they have already witnessed a suicide.

All the Year Round - News Vendor's Shop Advertisement