Harper's Weekly - Gettysburg Asylum Advertisement

Feb. 8, 1868 Gettysburg Asylum Advertisement - <em>Harper's Weekly</em>

This advertisement is an appeal to citizens to help contribute to the aid of invalid soldiers.  It is a wonderful humanitarian venture that is founded securely on financial donations.  The monetary emphasis of this piece is highlighted in the use of the words “Valuable Presents”, the assurance that “the Diamond Goods, Pearls, Emeralds, Rubies…” have all been examined, the bold font of the figure $641,950, and the exhaustive list of valuable rewards.  This piece emphasizes the monetary emphasis of American society of the time.  It even begins with “an appeal to the American people”, insinuating that this is the best way for American people to help better the living conditions of their veterans.  This emphasis on the need for financial aid portrays the importance of material wealth to help enhance all levels of society.  Just as the “Diamond Goods” in this fundraiser are beneficial for the veterans, so too could the Moonstone of Collins’ narrative be taken from its place of moral ambiguity and elevated as an inherently virtuous commodity. 

Harper's Weekly - Gettysburg Asylum Advertisement