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This is as close as we get to a mention of correspondence in All The Year Round. It’s a note from the editors of the journal to it’s expectant readers signifying what will be contained in the following weeks serial. Essentially it is a note from one…

Published in Charles Dickens' journal All The Year Round, Wilkie Collins' "The Moonstone" stands alone on the page of the publication, giving the reader the opportunity to appreciate the text on it's own. In this section Betteredge receives a…

This small image, featured in a section among cartoons, limericks, and poems, same as the comic strip featuring the giant letter, is the last visual reminder of the prominence of the letter contained in this edition of the weekly publication. It…

Valentine’s Day was an important day for letters and, as recorded by David M. Henkin, caused post offices to be “lumbered with wagon loads of valentines” (Henkin 149). He also notes that St. Valentine’s Day was popular as a “prolific source of dead…


The previous image depicted Harper’s Weekly’s continual Valentine’s Day propaganda. Henkin suggests it to be a theme of the publication’s as an effort to “defend the “Valentine mania” against cynicism in 1859” and offers other examples of their…

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This section of "The Moonstone" is placed in between Harper's many visual reminders of the prominence of the letter, and it promotes the book as being "Richly Illustrated", which furthers draws the reader's eye towards the story. The mention of the…

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Comparatively, the week the same section of “The Moonstone” appeared Harper’s Weekly, an American publication, it was featured alongside several references, either textual or imagistic, to the now commonplace epistolary lifestyle. The opening page is…
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